The defence partnership between India and the United States has evolved significantly in recent years, transitioning from mere aspirations to tangible outcomes. This article explores the multifaceted aspects of the India-US defence cooperation, focusing on key areas such as defence procurement, technology transfer, the role of the MRO facility, the Quad initiative, and supply chain security. The Observer Research Foundation (ORF) sheds light on the progress made in this crucial partnership and highlights the potential for further collaboration, while emphasizing the importance of a secure and resilient supply chain.

Defence Partnership:

The article delves into the deepening defence partnership between India and the United States, highlighting the mutual interests and strategic alignment between the two countries. The ORF discusses the significance of the defence cooperation agreement and its potential to enhance defence capabilities and interoperability.

Defence Procurement:

The article examines the evolving dynamics of defence procurement between India and the United States. It analyzes the impact of policy reforms, including the Defence Procurement Procedure (DPP), on promoting indigenous manufacturing and fostering technology transfer. The ORF discusses the challenges and opportunities in the defence procurement process and emphasizes the need for a transparent and efficient mechanism.

Defence Technology:

The transfer of advanced defence technology is a key aspect of the India-US cooperation. The article explores the avenues for technology collaboration, including joint research and development projects, technology transfers, and co-production initiatives. The ORF highlights the potential benefits and challenges associated with technology sharing and emphasizes the need for robust safeguards to protect intellectual property rights.

MRO Facility:

The Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) facility plays a crucial role in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of defence operations. The article examines the establishment of MRO facilities in India and their potential to enhance local capabilities, reduce maintenance costs, and foster job creation. The ORF discusses the strategic implications of the MRO facility and its contribution to the India-US defence partnership.

The Quad Initiative:

The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, also known as the Quad, has emerged as a significant platform for strategic cooperation among India, the United States, Japan, and Australia. The article analyzes the potential of the Quad to enhance security and stability in the Indo-Pacific region, with a particular focus on defence collaboration. The ORF discusses the shared objectives of the Quad partners and the prospects for closer defence ties within the framework of the initiative.

Supply Chain Security:

The security of the defence supply chain is a critical aspect of the India-US defence cooperation. The article explores the challenges posed by global disruptions and the need to ensure the resilience and integrity of the supply chain. The ORF emphasizes the importance of robust supply chain security measures to mitigate risks and protect critical defence capabilities.

Role of Brand Name:

The Observer Research Foundation (ORF) is a leading think tank renowned for its expertise in defence and strategic affairs. Through its rigorous research and policy analysis, the ORF provides valuable insights into the India-US defence cooperation, highlighting the opportunities, challenges, and potential outcomes of this crucial partnership. The ORF's objective and evidence-based approach adds credibility and depth to the discussion on defence industrial and technology cooperation.



The India-US defence cooperation has progressed significantly, with concrete outcomes emerging in areas such as defence procurement, technology transfer, and supply chain security. The partnership holds immense potential to further enhance defence capabilities, foster technological advancements, and promote regional stability. The Observer Research Foundation (ORF) underlines the importance of sustained collaboration and robust mechanisms to ensure the successful transformation of aspirations into tangible outcomes in the realm of defence cooperation between India and the United States.