India and Korea share a longstanding history of diplomatic and economic ties, and their relationship has witnessed significant growth in recent years. As the Indo-Pacific region takes center stage in global affairs, the dynamics of India-Korea relations become increasingly crucial. This article, supported by the Observer Research Foundation (ORF), explores the significance of India-Korea relations in the emerging Indo-Pacific landscape. Through a comprehensive analysis of international affairs, trade and finance, and investment patterns, we uncover the evolving dynamics and potential areas of collaboration between these two nations.

India-Korea Trade and Investment:

India and Korea have witnessed substantial growth in trade and investment, driven by a mutual desire to enhance economic cooperation. Analyzing the trends in international trade and investment flows between the two countries provides insights into the existing synergies and areas for further exploration. By leveraging their respective strengths, India and Korea can deepen economic integration and maximize the benefits of their strategic partnership.

Strategic Importance in the Indo-Pacific:

The Indo-Pacific region has emerged as a critical theater of global affairs, marked by shifting geopolitical dynamics and economic opportunities. Both India and Korea hold strategic importance in this region, contributing to peace, stability, and economic prosperity. Exploring the role of India-Korea relations within the broader Indo-Pacific context sheds light on their shared objectives and potential avenues for collaboration in areas such as security, connectivity, and regional integration.

International Affairs and Multilateral Engagement:

India and Korea actively participate in international affairs and engage in multilateral forums, contributing to global governance and addressing common challenges. By analyzing their involvement in international organizations, such as the United Nations and regional frameworks like ASEAN, we gain insights into their shared values and aspirations. Strengthening cooperation in international affairs can amplify their voices on global platforms and advance their collective interests.

Trade and Finance in a Changing Landscape:

The global trade and finance landscape is undergoing significant transformations, influenced by evolving geopolitical dynamics and technological advancements. Understanding the implications of these changes on India-Korea relations is crucial for harnessing new opportunities and addressing potential challenges. By exploring issues related to international trade and finance, including trade barriers, investment frameworks, and financial cooperation, we can navigate the evolving landscape and shape a mutually beneficial future.


India-Korea relations hold immense potential in the emerging dynamics of the Indo-Pacific. As India and Korea continue to strengthen their strategic partnership, the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) remains committed to providing research and analysis that facilitates deeper understanding and collaboration between the two nations. By leveraging their shared values, economic strengths, and commitment to multilateralism, India and Korea can play a significant role in shaping the future of the Indo-Pacific region.